Faith Shaping
What is Faith Shaping?
Faith Shaping is a congregational consulting service that helps local Churches evaluate, plan, and make changes to better share and shape faith. This is not a curriculum, or a program. Faith Shaping is a service that helps the Church revision how they impact the growth and spiritual journey of those God has placed in their care.
"Any church that invites Lee into its process can expect to work hard, reach high, and laugh deeply."
-Lynn Barger Elliott,
Calvin College,
Professor of Youth Ministry
Rev. Lee Yates is an ordained minister with a passion for equipping congregations and empowering leaders. His ministry experience includes local congregations of all sizes, full time and interim ministry, and denominational leadership. Lee currently serves part-time as a local pastor, allowing him to give energy to developing curriculum and equipping other ministries.
Along the way, Lee has written for and partnered with some of the leading voices in faith formation. As a writer, researcher, editor, consultant, and curator of resources, he has seen trends come and go, while watching the evolution of faith formation in the local Church.
Experience and the latest research have impacted Lee's approach to shaping faith. As a pastor and as a consultant he helps Churches do ministry that is relevant to families and Churches today.
"I am always inspired and challenged to go deeper in my faith when working with Lee, and I am thrilled that he is available to share these gifts with the wider church."
-Lisa Brown,
Membership Vision, Director of Digital Ministry
Pastor of Covina Community Church, UCC
Minister of Faith Formation, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indiana
Minister for Youth &Young Adults, First Christian Church - Lawrenceburg, KY
Co-Pastor, First Christian Church - Maryville, MO
Youth Director, Crestwood Christian Church, Lexington, KY
Managing Editor - InsideOut ecumenical camp curriculum
Creator and Writer-
Writer - Faith Practices, UCC
Writer - Bible Lessons for Youth (BL4Y), United Methodist Press
Writer - Vibrant Faith at Home, Vibrant Faith Ministry
Publishing and Credentials:
Lifelong Faith Journal - Contributor
Visual Faith Project - Researcher and Trainer
Strategies for Trauma Awareness &Resilience (STAR) - Lvl1 and Youth