Faith Shaping
Southside Christian Church, Kokomo IN
Pacific Southwest Region, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
*Advance conversations with pastor about congregational gifts and needs
*Keynote sermon / lecture on generational sharing and faith formation
*Congregational workshop evaluating impact of various ministry tools.
*Follow up conversations with pastor.
*Workshop on curriculum selection, curating, and development
*Workshop reviewing recent research on faith formation and recommendations for intergenerational approaches
Training on healthy boundaries for social media and electronic content for congregations and clergy
Southern California Nevada Conference, United Church of Christ
*Guidance in developing new structures for youth and young adult ministry structure
*Creating lines of accountability and communication for new ministry team
*Training for Church Camp staff and volunteers on curriculum use.
Christian Church in Indiana - Congregational Equipping
Workshops on faith formation in the modern Church
Curriculum development for anti-racism / pro-reconciliation ministry with youth
Christian Church in Indiana - Outdoor Ministry
*Exploration of options for outdoor ministry
*Negotiating partnership between multiple teams and denominational partners
*Communication and transition plan with the closing of a camp site.